Haworthia speciosa n.n.

speciosa n.n.JDV91-098 Habitat:Thomas River

speciosa n.n. IB6954 Habitat:Old Thomas River Road

speciosa n.n. IB06955 Habitat:Old Thomas River road, 1 km further from IB6954

speciosa n.n. IB06956 Habitat:Thomas River Bridge, Ciskei

the flowering season:()

Heat resistance(★★☆)

Cold resistance(★★☆)


Synonyms: specksii

the flowering season(開花時期)、Heat resistance(耐暑性:弱→強)、Cold resistance(耐寒性:弱→強)、JPN:Japanese name(日本語名)、Synonyms (旧名・流通名等)


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